Friday, December 4, 2015

Laryngeal Cancer Risks and Causes

An associate in otolaryngology head and neck surgery with Mount Nittany Physician Group in State College, Pennsylvania, Dr. James Freije is familiar with a variety of medical areas. During the course of his career, Dr. James Freije has gained experience with such illnesses and diseases as squamous cell carcinoma, cystic hygroma, and laryngeal cancer.

There are several factors that increase the risk of developing laryngeal cancer, but smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol are the main risk factors. Tobacco use is a risk factor for most head and neck cancers and individuals' chance of getting laryngeal cancer is positively correlated with how much they smoke. Additionally, drinking more than one drink per day has been shown to increase the risk of laryngeal cancer. Although drinking alcohol carries a lower risk than smoking, it should be noted that combining the two habits multiples risk substantially.

Beyond smoking and alcohol, several types of the human papilloma virus (HPV) have been linked to laryngeal cancer. The development of cancer from an HPV type is very rare and the causal link has yet to be determined, but it is still considered a risk factor. Diet and family history are also risk factors. Poor diet results in the body getting less of the minerals and vitamins it needs and, in turn, increases the likelihood that cancer will form. Meanwhile, certain genetic syndromes and a family history of head and neck cancer may double an individual’s risk.